The fishing industry’s latest news and views

Commercial fishing news & information straight to your phone. Free to access with no email required

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The fishing industry’s latest news and views


A network of correspondents around the world means that Hook & Net has unique coverage of what’s going on in today’s fishing industry, with regular reports from our team in Spain, France, Russia, the Nordic countries, South & Central America, and more.

In depth news

Fishing is a highly international, widely dispersed industry and Hook & Net makes efforts to not just be first, but to bring you unique viewpoints and angles from around the world so you always have relevant, timely updates.


Everything in Hook & Net is in English – plus to meet the requirements of our worldwide readership, selected articles also appear in French, Spanish or Russian.

Smart and Intuitive

It’s an app. Download the app from Google Play (Android) or the App Store (IOS), and then read each issue. Downloaded issues can be read offline so you can access it anywhere. Hook & Net is tailored to be available just by tapping the screen of your phone or your tablet, plus there’s a web reader version available for those who prefer to read on a computer.

Advertising opportunities

Hook & Net offers opportunities for advertisers to reach the sharp end of the fishing industry. Full page advertising sits between the articles in each issue. Rates are highly competitive and further opportunities, such as banners and links, are also available. Contact us to find out more.

Targeted audience

Hook & Net is written by fishing people for fishing people. Our readership is made up of crews, skippers, fleet managers and fisheries managers.

Hook & Net is also free – there’s no sign-up, and we don’t ask for your data. Did we mention it’s free…?

Benefits for advertisers

Hook and Net is delivered direct to skippers, ships officers, shipbuilders and designers, fleet managers, fishing gear technologists and fisheries professionals around the world. Hook & Net focuses on the catching sector worldwide – we’re not trying to reach the seafood and aquaculture sectors, as those markets are already well served elsewhere. So an ad for trawl doors isn’t going to be shown to an audience of fish farmers.

The full back catalogue of issues of Hook & Net remains accessible permanently – so your ad remains visible and accessible on a permanent basis. Plus, we can include links to your website which you can track to see exactly how well your ads are working.

A range of advertising options are available. If you have something to tell the commercial fishing about, this is the place to reach the commercial fishing industry – in four languages

Benefits for readers


Hook & Net images

Hook & Net is mainly original material. Practically everything in Hook & Net’s pages isn’t going to be found anywhere else.

It’s focused, it’s sharp, it’s written by fishing people for people active in the catching sector. We’re not asking for your data, and it’s funded by our select panel of advertisers so it’s free to you – no strings attached.

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Download the free app

Each new issue Hook & Net is published in the second week of every month. The full back catalogue of issues is there on the server for you to browse.

Download the free app from Google Play (Android) or the App Store (IOS), and read each issue as it appears. Switch on notifications for automatic delivery to the device of your choice.

Alternatively, you can read the web reader version the magazine, completely free, from the link below: